Rural. Urban. And everything in between.

A railroad from Ironton, Ohio running along the north shore of the Ohio River east to Bellaire.
Pennsylvania Railroad trackage rights to Mingo Junction and at Yellow Creek west to Cleveland via Alliance with a connection to the Euclid Heights and South South at Kinsman.

It is summer, 1933.

note: the header image at the top of this blog is of PRR E3sd #5143,
probably somewhere on the Delmarva peninsula, in the early 1930s.

postcard, author's collection


No, this isn't your typical format, I'm using this space primarily as a digital notebook of sorts to record thoughts and ideas. Often with photographs, maps and other materials for reference. Read my entries from the top down, it's all pretty self explanatory.

NOTE: We're also on Meta / Facebook for discussions and sharing of knowledge: Pennsylvania Lines


Concept and history

What began as a general interest in Ohio rail transportation history eventually evolved and narrowed to focus on specific entities, mainly the Norfolk and Western Railway and the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the industries they served. As well as the state's once extensive interurban network that served both freight and passenger needs. Soon I began to explore ways to integrate these varied interests into a single unique freelance entity of my own creation. After visits to various locations between Portsmouth and Gallipolis I soon imagineered a railroad to be built along the Ohio River, linking river towns, ports and natural resources to manufacturing centers located to the east. I would later learn of several attempts to actually build such a route and indeed several segments were built, with the Pennsylvania Railroad actually coming the closest with its acquisition of the Pittsburgh, Ohio Valley and Cincinnati Railroad, built along the Ohio River from Bellaire to Powhatan, Ohio in the late 1800s. Of special interest, the original western terminus of the POV&C was to be Ironton, Ohio.

Precedent: former Pennsylvania (POV&C) RR along the Ohio River from Bellaire to Powhatan, Ohio

Company Milestones-

  • 1849: The Ironton Railway is formed and land acquisition begins.
  • 1850: Construction commences.
  • 1852: Service between Ironton and Oak Hill is established to serve mining and timber interests.
  • 1887: River Line interurban service between Ironton and Pomeroy is established.
  • 1888: AJZ Holdings is formed.
  • 1888: Corporate name change to Ironton, Gallipolis and Eastern Electric Railway.
  • 1890: Controlling interest in the Euclid Heights & South Shore Rwy obtained.
  • 1891: River Line extended to Bellaire.
  • 1892: Pennsylvania Company becomes majority shareholder.
  • 1933: Current era. 

West Jersey and Seashore Railroad (WJ&S) a subsidiary of the Pennsylvania Railroad - late 20s


Along the right of way

A series of reference images used to set the tone and mood of locations as they may have been found along the railroad during the time period of interest. Most images appearing here are public domain, culled from the online digital archives of the United States Library Of Congress.

This site is for research and education. Image and media usage falls under 
Section 107 of the Copyright Act.

Euclid Heights & South Shore
a canyon of brick, concrete and steel

I was born and raised around Cleveland and the industries that powered its economy and employed its citizens. Its manufacturing capacity (and the transportation systems that supported it) were quite impressive for its time. So it was only natural that I would want to link it somehow with our humble little railroad down in southern Ohio.

The Pennsylvania Railroad, our corporate parent enters Cleveland from the southeast on elevated trackage with access to their docks on Lake Erie. The industrial heart of the city, the following photos give you a good sense of what the area looked like in the 1930s. I created the Euclid Heights & South Shore based on several electric switching railroads that once served the east side of Cleveland and industrial areas closer to downtown. Access to the IG&E is via the PRR Alliance to Yellow Creek.

Welcome to Gotham.

In our universe, the Pennsylvania (via Kingsbury Branch to Erie RR) was the dominating passenger railroad in Cleveland, not the NYC.

Those are probably the Pennsy's Euclid Ave passenger platforms in the background

EH&SS Elevated

Left - Chain Products Company Right - J. M. & L. A. Osborn Company

Whiteway Coal Co